More Jazz Talk With Jonathon Ball v.2

More Jazz Talk With Jonathon Ball v.2
Photo by paul BÉNARIAC / Unsplash

Here is a digital edition article from Hot House Jazz Magazine on the great Rene' McLean. My good friend, musician, and former college roommate works on Rene's horns in his woodwind repair shop. They have struck up a casual friendship and I get to hear about their conversations first-hand! (And yes, Rene' is the son of the great Jackie McLean)

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(there are tons of other players featured in this edition.)

Rene McLean just gave me a call just to say Hi. I asked him about Tony Williams and told him I was playing a lot of drums along with Tony [recordings]. He remembers playing with him at his house when he was 14 or 15 when Jackie [McLean] brought him from Boston.
I asked him what he did with his right foot and he said, “I’m not sure but he probably kicked my ass with it!”
Rene believes every musician should start playing music on a hand drum, like a djembe. “Without rhythm, you got nothing.”
Tru dat!!!

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Jamie Larson